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  Movie studios appear to be suffering from something called “sequelitis”or "sequel syndrome". Film makers everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film.电影制作方似乎患上了一种叫做“续集病”的病症。各地的电影制作人都在制作某一部成功影片的续集或者前传。

  The problem with this newly emerging trend is that some movies should just end when the credits roll. However, blinded by dollar signs, many in the industry decided to try their hand at the sequel trade. Some were successful, some bombed, and some just didn’t know when enough is enough. 这个新趋势的问题在于,某些影片其实应该见好就收。可是,因为被金钱蒙蔽了双眼,很多电影制作方仍然决定继续拍续集,有些成功了,有些搞砸了,还有些贪得无厌,完全停不下来。

  Warner Bros. is soldiering ahead with the juggernaut model, despite the disappointing performance of Batman v. Superman—a movie that, as Forbes magazine noted, managed to top $800 million at the worldwide box office and still be interpreted by many in the industry as a flop, after negative word-of-mouth from beyond-underwhelmed viewers caused a steep drop in attendance over the first two weekends after opening.华纳兄弟影业就在续集的路上大踏步前进,虽然今年的《蝙蝠侠大战超人》票房表现并不理想。该片全球票房勉强达到8亿美元,因为观众评价太过负面,导致上映后的前两个周末影院上座率下跌,已成为业内公认的败笔。

  Warners is planning at least six more films based on DC Comics heroes to be released by 2020. The next one out—whose title may prove uncomfortably prophetic in the context of this year’s struggling market for sequels—is set to debut on Aug. 5: Suicide Squad.华纳计划在2020年之前发布至少6部DC漫画英雄系列的影片。下一部即将于8月5日上映的影片续集《自杀小队》似乎预示了今年电影市场上续集类影片的境地。


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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